Like all sentient beings, I hate email and receive absurd amounts of it. So I have the following request: please don’t send me an email. We must stop doing this to each other. It used to be the case that if you make it clear it's not spam, I'd get back to you in a reasonable amount of time. But now the amount of email requests I receive are just too much to manage while still getting any work done or being some semblance of a human being. If you must email me please use the following absolutely real email address:

Snail Mail:

365 Fifth Ave., Rm. 7113
New York, NY 10016


Box B5/295, One Bernard Baruch Way, New York, NY 10010 

(These get checked more frequently!)

(But don’t write me at what you think my GC email is unless you want to ensure I’ll never get your message. My Baruch mail is slightly better but also bizarrely temperamental. If I don’t write back quickly either that most likely means that your email got immediately buried among the ridiculous mounds of correspondence. So you can try me again to get a more accurate reading. I really do try to respond to everything I get for better or worse, but the longer your email the less the likelihood is of me responding. For more on how we can fight the scourge of email together, check out the Email Charter.)