I'm a philosopher and cognitive scientist at City University of New York (at the Graduate Center, in the department of philosophy and the department of psychology, Basic and Applied Social Science program; and at Baruch College, in the philosophy department there). Before joining CUNY, I was at Harvard as a member of the Mind/Brain/Behavior Program and the Department of Philosophy. Before that I was at Yale where I taught in the Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science program. And (deep breath) before that I had my first post grad school position in the shell corporation that is Oxford University (in a whole bunch of different places--St. Catherine's College, the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford Martin 21st Century School, the Faculty of Philosophy). Before that, I went to the finest school on the Raritan River (RU!). And way before that I grew up next to one of humanity’s finest accomplishments, the tastefully named Fresh Kills Landfill. Finally I returned to my ancestral NYC home as the Ruth Printz O’Hara ‘52 Professor, for which I am extremely grateful.
Pronouns: he/him
Here’s a recent picture—pandemic era—of me and Wall Street, a really natural match. I’m updating this in 2024 so god knows what ‘recent’ will mean given when you might be reading this.