Mind & Language Spring 2025 (cotaught with Ned Block)
Mind & Language Spring 2025
Who: Profs. Ned Block / Eric Mandelbaum
What: Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Where: 5 Washington Place, Room 202
When: Monday 4:00-5:00/Tuesday 4:00-7:00
How: Course Codes: NYU: PHIL-GA 2295; CUNY: PHIL 77000-01 (54689)
Contact: ned.block@nyu.edu; emandelbaum@gc.cuny.edu
We will approach a variety of topics through discussions with some of the most exciting thinkers in cognitive science and philosophy. The weekly visiting speakers include Marjorie Rhodes, Frederique de Vignemont, Thomas Icard, Michael Strevens, Liz Camp, Susan Carey, Ian Phillips, Liz Spelke, Dave Chalmers, Gabe Greenberg, Jake Quilty-Dunn, Kevin Lande, Tania Lombrozo, & EJ Green. The day before the seminar, the instructors will meet with students to discuss the assigned readings. Readings will be shared with the group once we receive them. The seminar will mostly a Q&A with our guests. The class meets in-person only; there is no Zoom option.
Paper: If you’re registered, you have to write one! It’s due, say, a week after the final session of the course, April 28th by 5pm. If you’d like help with the paper, we will read a draft in mid-March. You can also write two shorter papers instead of one longer one. If so, the first paper will be due by March 10th.
How long should the papers be? Who cares! Make them long enough to be good, and no longer. Remember: no one likes reading long papers. (Pro-tip: don’t write papers that are longer than the length of papers you like to read). We do not suggest writing a paper longer than 8k words.
Course structure: We will meet on Mondays from 4-5 to discuss the paper together. This meeting is meant for us to help you formulate your thoughts on the readings. This is really important because the next day we will have a three-hour seminar that just consists in us asking questions to the distinguished visitors. That is, they will not be preparing a talk, so come in prepared! It’s an amazing opportunity.
Meals: There will also be meals! 3 students every week will come to dinner with the instructors and the visiting speaker. Sign up in advance by writing to Noga Gratvol: nlg296@nyu.edu
January 21st: Marjorie Rhodes/EM (on taxonomies of development)
January 28th: Frederique de Vignemont
February 4th: Thomas Icard
February 11th: Michael Strevens
February 18th: No class
February 25th: Liz Camp
March 4th: Susan Carey
March 11th: Ian Phillips
March 18th: Liz Spelke
March 25th: Spring Break
April 1st: Dave Chalmers
April 8th: Gabe Greenberg
April 15th: Jake Quilty-Dunn
April 22nd: Kevin Lande
April 29th: Tania Lombrozo
May 6th: E.J. Green